Meet The Team: Brandon Gahagan

Dann Ball
Dann BallNov 23, 2023
Meet The Team: Brandon Gahagan

Brandon Gahagan, Director of Growth & Partnerships at StormX.

  1. Welcome, Brandon, can you share a little about your professional journey and how your role contributes to StormX’s overall mission?
    1. I was lucky to experience StormX in a variety of different ways! First, as a user utilizing the benefits of StormX. Second, I led the partnership with StormX while working for PokerGO so I got to experience StormX through the partnership. Now, I’m here part of the internal team as the Director of Growth & Partnerships!
  2. How did you get started in Crypto / Web3? And, what was your first Crypto / Web3 experience?
    1. I really started to take an interest to crypto when I was in graduate school in Miami. I keep hearing things about it but never made the jump. I finally decided I had to find out for myself what it was all about and started purchasing bitcoin along with various projects I took an interest to.
  3. Did you use StormX as a consumer before working there?
    1. Absolutely! I loved StormX and the benefits it provides as a user many years before I ever joined the team. Once the opportunity opened up to become a part of the internal team at StormX, it was a no brainer.
  4. What do you appreciate the most about the StormX company culture?
    1. I love that StormX makes every individual feel valued! Regardless of position or title, everyone is treated as an equal.
  5. What is one significant achievement you’re proud of in your current role?
    1. As the Director of Growth & Partnerships, I’m most proud of our launch of the bracket challenge for the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament back in March. We exceeded user acquisition expectations and delivered a product that users loved!
  6. As the Director of Growth & Partnerships, what does successful growth look like to you?
    1. Growth is about delivering consistency for users! We always want to acquire new users but we always want to keep our current users coming back as well. If we can continue to deliver for current users while acquiring new ones, that’s success!
  7. What are some key metrics or indicators you look for when exploring a new partnership?
    1. When evaluating any partnership, the core focus is always how can we acquire new users. When want to work with partners that a user base that we believe will resonate with StormX.
  8. How do you approach building strategic partnerships?
    1. There’s lot of factors that play into a successful partner. When I approach any partnership, I look for three things - (1)Great teams to work with (2) Audiences that align (3) Out of the box ideas that aren’t part of every partnership that every brand does.
  9. What are some emerging trends in growth and partnerships that you think are important to our company’s future?
    1. I think we at StormX do an amazing job thinking outside the box. While we partner with similar companies that other brands do, we take a very creative approach to the partnership. A great example is the celebrity poker tournament we put on in Vegas every year! It will continue to set us apart in the future.

Watch Brandon and SeViChE's chat on Wen People Talk, the StormX community podcast.