[Governance Vote] STMX V2 Token Swap Closure

Martijn Haspels
Martijn HaspelsNov 6, 2023
[Governance Vote] STMX V2 Token Swap Closure

Hey Stormers,

We want to update you on an important governance vote that will be happening in the upcoming weeks.

On November 16th, 2022, we opened the STMX V1 > V2 swap. The reason for this swap was due to Ethereum's upgrade to POS. When we opened the swap, we committed to keeping it open until the Voyager community gained access to their funds. With this having now occurred, we would like to have a vote to close the STMX V1 - STMX V2 swap. At the time of writing, we swapped 9,030,762,136 tokens, meaning a little over 90% of the supply has been swapped. Keeping the swap open indefinitely is not an option because StormX must maintain the contract. Numerous hours are spent maintaining and adding additional tokens to the swap wallet.

The vote will be simple: Do you favor closing the swap?

  1. I am in favor of closing the swap. The swap will be completed on the 30th of November.
  2. I am not in favor of closing the swap. The swap will stay open until we vote for it again.

The vote is scheduled to go live on November 14, 2023, and close on November 28, 2023. Please keep your eyes open for the vote to go live on https://snapshot.org/#/stormxio.eth

We will also be having governance calls to discuss this proposal in our Discord and on our Discourse page. Please join us there and add your voice to the discussion!